Quick Points on 12th Ward IPO Election Day Operation

Debrief meeting posing with the sign which was run over at the Hoyne Park precinct.

Our work has three distinct aspects. They bleed over into each other. These conform to the 3 geographies that we can affect. These are just my personal observations. Hopefully we can deepen the ideas and gain more ability and more unity.


The May Summary meeting/forum about our work in the primary was an advance because:

  • We combined regular members, Theresa Mah activists (for the first time truly and equally involving sum up of work in Chinatown as well as the Latino areas), as well as non-English speaking Latinas.
  •  Analyzed data and precinct tactics in depth. Appealed to activists from outside our ward.
  •  Featured advanced political analysis by two very sympathetic elected officials – Theresa Mah and Chuy Garcia

Subsequent meetings were advanced educational forms

  • July meeting in the Marshall Square neighborhood focused on the Term Limits Petition Campaign
  • August 11th was a triple header with informative talks on the Democratic Convention, revitalization of the Central Manufacturing District, and the Mental Health Safety Net ordinance
  • Chicago is Not Broke forum got into ideas of municipal bank, toxic swaps, as well as municipal revenue/budget mismanagement

The general election endorsement meeting was a key step in gaining unity. We united on a slate of three candidates based on flipping the senate (Tammy Duckworth), celebrating the ascension of the first Chinese to the state legislature (Theresa Mah), and punishing Rahm for his role in covering up police murder of Laquan McDonald and others (Kim Foxx).

General Election palm cards and Dump Trump sticker

The sense of the meeting was strongly anti Trump but we could not get a consensus on endorsing Stein or Clinton. As we worked up the palm cards for E Day we decided to supplement our work with DUMP TRUMP stickers and with less fanfare we also advanced the slogan “Celebrate the Year of the Woman” as a nod to our candidates and against sexism in the campaigns.

These accomplishments seem to highlight the sweet spot, the most appropriate kind of activity for our group – educational between elections and then electoral when that time comes.

We are more suited to joining coalitions and working as individuals on issues – as we did with the Mental Health Movement and when a grassroots group came as a delegation to the alderman’s office about the increase in the water bill. This can change as we gain more strength. But as an all-volunteer organization we don’t have capacity or leadership to play roles in leading other intensive struggles.


The general was a huge advance because we deployed with a very firm guideline – build precinct teams based on local residents.

Gain visibility for our stance against Trump and allow the people to express themselves and to feel that someone is trying to lead.

The following are just a few highlights to paint the picture.

Coming together at Theresa Mah’s victory party after a long day in the precincts.

We deployed over 60 people to work the polling places.
1.  We had area leaders in each of the neighborhoods – Marshall Square, Hoyne Park, Brighton East, Brighton West, and Central McKinley Park.
2. We emphasized group activity at polling places more than the broadest possible coverage.
3. Nevertheless we covered almost every place except the McKinley Field House for at least one shift.
4. We took on the 32nd precinct of the 25th ward (Everett School).
Home-made signs served to attract attention to our strongest demand DUMP TRUMP. Voters flocked to have their pictures taken with the sign.

Champurrado and tamales were provided by neighborhood ladies. An army runs on its stomach.
Champurrado and tamales were provided by neighborhood ladies. An army runs on its stomach.

5. The 12th Ward went by 85% for Hillary and with the Greens included it was 88%.
6. The group came together for a debriefing with tremendous espirit de corps.
7. We did a customized leaflet in Hoyne Precinct linking the general election to local realities.

We worked in the same harness with the ward committeeman. There was no reason for any friction because our immediate goals largely overlapped.


Panel on austerity with 5 Chicago IPO’s and Analise Ruiz of Podemos (Barcelona Spain).

We are trying to spread our approach to teams in Bridgeport, Back of the Yards, Pilsen, and Little Village. Each of these areas has things going on that we can learn from. And we have refined the education/election paradigm such that we can see how it is received by them. Our constituencies and memberships are not quite the same but very similar.